Game is ON till you surrender!

This lockdown period has been quite an experience and with plenty of time in hand, I thought I will start writing again. It’s been so long since I shared anything. So here I am with something interesting to share with all of you. I was going through some old files and what I found?? my 9th standard mark sheet, Ohh boy, it’s one hell of a mark sheet, FAILED, FAILED, FAILED!!

Look at those marks, (0.5, 2, 3, 3.5)  they look like Kids shoe sizes. By now you must have figured out, it was not meant for me. My brain just denied the Motion Laws, periodic tables & Pythagoras theorem. It was damn hard but I prevailed anyhow. I achieved 61 % in the 10th board exam and 46 % in 12th standard (My parents were disappointed with the results but I was happy because one should know the truth about oneself no matter what expectation people around you carry).

This I ask you, do good marks matter?? YES, they do!  Yet, do they define you? HELL NOO!!

You see, I’m doing pretty good in my career today and being able to help others in whatever way I can. To all the students, particularly those who received their board results a few days ago, I would like to say this, education is crucial and plays a vital role in your career but it does not determine what you are as a person and whether will you be successful or not.

You don’t have to run the race, there is no compulsion to do what Sharma g ka ladka/ladki is doing. If you think you ‘re bad at something just drop that shit and do what you are good at, make your own way. People around you will question you, doubt you, distract you … just ignore! Be concentrated, persuade yourself, have a plan, and continue.  Always remember, Game is ON, you’ve got the option to persist or surrender.

My Thoughts…


The World is full of thinking creatures, who keep making a statement that makes sense and call it thoughts, some call it quotes. I wonder, is this the result of overthinking minds observing the actions of those that are in its environment? It’s not necessary that every thought that comes out of your brain makes sense, it should be validated in every situation only then it makes complete sense.

I got some in my brain and thought of displaying it in front of y’all. Most of them are in regards to Relationship.

1. Acceptance should be the first step in any relationship.

2. Happiness should be the ultimate goal of any relationship, if it is not, then you are in the wrong place.

3. In Decision Making, emotions play only one role and that is to make you rethink what you decided.

4. There is no existence of empathy, it’s the term that everyone uses to display that they care. One must remember that no one can fit anyone’s shoe, they all have different size (Maybe that should be the reason God did not send us with shoes on our feet, at least we would have really understood the pain of others).

5. My mind is an Insomniac.

6. Truth can be anything if you are ready to accept.

7. People love those quotes & thoughts that come out of an achiever or a big personality and miss those that sparkles in their mind just because they did not believe in themselves.

When I looked at the Mirror!



When I looked at the Mirror!

I saw a happy soul wanting to be free

When I looked at the Mirror!

I saw a tired life hanging on a tree

When I looked at the Mirror!

I saw a dark circled eye

When I looked at the Mirror!

I heard a terrible cry

When I looked at the Mirror!

I saw a lost bright face

When I looked at the Mirror!

I saw a life for unknown chase

When I looked at the Mirror!

There is a quote said by Apple Founder “Steve Jobs” in his Stanford Commencement Speech: Everyday Morning I stand in front of the mirror and ask myself, “is this how I am going to spend my life?”

And when the answer is No for more than three days then there is a need to change something.

I see so many things that need to be changed, it is not what I want from my life, I deserve better than this, I need to change how my life is going.

Next time when I look at Mirror:

I should see the happy soul being free

I should see me sitting under a tree on a peaceful shadow

I should see an energetic vision

I should see worriless smile

I should see a bright face

I should see a dream chase

I would want to keep looking at the Mirror and keep smiling on life.

Riots! Good for us or not?

Riots! Riots! Riots!..

We Indians have been facing this so called “RIOTS” from past 100’s of years..but the question is..what have these Riots given us?

Can creating ruckus on roads and public places give us a solution for any problems? Is it good or not?

Let’s check out some statistics and records of what we’ve achieved by this RIOTS!

  1. Rioting and arson in Saharanpur:  It happened for a piece of a Land (It caused a loss of about Rs 244 crore to the city) Source
  2. Muzaffarnagar Riots: The cause was a minor traffic accident involving some youths which then spiraled out of control when it eventually took on religious overtones(Resulted in at least 62 deaths including 42 Muslims and 20 Hindus, Loss of 100 crore to the city): Source
  3. Gujarat Patidhar Riots: Reason was, demand of reservation for Patidhar (9 killed,  around Rs.200 crores of loss)

Now, the question is who is going to bear all these losses?

It’s ultimately we, the citizens of this beautiful country. It’s we, who are going to pay for the loss that has been caused.

We all need to think of this – was the piece of land in Saharanpur worth more than rupees 244 crore. Keeping all the monetary losses aside, were all the souls lost worth more than anything that this world can offer. As an individual & citizen of India, I feel that this is not the way we are going to achieve anything. Why can’t we follow the procedures and use the rights that has been given to us. I feel the value of souls that were lost might be thinking now, that this is not why we started the rally’s, this is not why we raised our voices.

All this RIOTS have given us burden of crores of Rupees and loss of lives, that’s it. Let’s understand the seriousness of the consequences caused due to this RIOTS.

Let’s get together and understand what is good and bad for our society, our city, our state, and our country. Let’s be a responsible citizen , Let’s be an Indian!

RIOTS: Let’s do this in a more peaceful way!

Proud to be an Indian, Vande Matram!


Don’t Doubt Yourself

Dont Doubt Yourself


Do you look down at yourself and doubt yourself, just because you are criticized?

Well, this question keeps on ringing in my head whenever I hear people talking shit about me.

I have always been going through such situations where people talk lots of shit about me and when I oppose them, they say I overestimate myself and when I agree with them they say, I always underestimate myself. Now, the interesting thing here is either you oppose them or not, they are going to continue talking shit about you.

So, should we care for such mouths or just ignore them.

I started ignoring them and thought, why I should doubt myself just because some shitty mouths judge you with their stupid Ideas and thoughts? Why I should care, who are they to decide what I am?

The answer is NO.

I think one should not change themselves by hearing such comments. If you think you are criticized for your betterment then take it and try to improve yourself. And, if you think they are just talking shit then just ignore them and move on.

Your journey should not get stuck by such stupid hurdles, be yourself and don’t doubt.

Is it OK to appreciate a bad work, just to Motivate?


Appreciation, as we all know is one of the best way to motivate someone.


Is it good to appreciate a bad work ?

Well. I have been through this situation where one of my colleague used to think that, I act partial in appreciating the work of one and not of the other. I argued with them that one has to be appreciated when he or she is doing a good work and not when work done is not good. I feel so, since I think that if I appreciate the wrong work he or she might continue doing the same wrong work again and again, isn’t that true?

What you guys say?






Road to Success…What it actually means? Who will Reach It?

Road To Success

One has to understand very deeply what is Success, how it can be achieved? What it actually
means? who reaches the destination?

When we say Road to Success! Is it something a happy journey where one gets petals of roses
under their feet, where there is no pain, where things work very smoothly Or something like
that…People usually forget the rule “No Pain, No Gain” they just keep on daydreaming that
one day everything will happen in its own way, but it’s not like that.

NO, It’s not like that at all!

It is a journey full of struggles where one will have to face the brutal thorns under their
feet, a journey which one has to walk alone, a journey where people will be ruthless
enough to pull you down to the depth of failure and depression. A journey where you will
always be tempted to take the shortcuts to achieve success and much more negative things.

The people who reach their destinations are the ones who are ready to overcome all these
hurdles in their life will achieve what they want, the one who is willing to work hard
and persist in their journey will get the success.

Only that road leads to the destination. Only that road is Road to Success.